Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Linssen
Born 1973,study of automotive engineering at RWTH Aachen University, senior scientist and team leader "Sector Coupling" in the Department of Process and Systems Analysis, Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3), Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH; focus of research: evaluation of Energy Systems and Infrastructures
Electric drivetrains are key elements of low carbon energy-efficient transport based on renewable energy sources. Furthermore, a transportation system with zero local emissions will substantially improve people’s quality of life, especially in urban areas currently struggling with air quality issues. Both Battery and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles feature these important characteristics. However, large scale integration of these vehicle technologies requires new infrastructures.
The contribution presents a detailed design analysis of the required infrastructure for supplying battery and fuel cell electric vehicles in Germany at multiple scales. The underlying question concerns the investments, costs, efficiencies and emissions for an infrastructure capable of supplying between one hundred thousand to several million vehicles with hydrogen or electricity.