PhD Jean-Marie Le Goff

Invited Talk: Τhe theory of Open Innovation - Open software and hardware examples


Soon Available


   HepTech Network @CERN


Short Bio

Jean-Marie is the Chairman of HEPTech, the IP network based out of CERN covering 26 institutes in 16 Countries. Jean-Marie is a senior physicists at CERN in charge of the Collaboration Spotting project. The toolset is currently in use at CERN for identifying leading industrial players in technologies that are strategic for the research programme. Developments are underway to use the toolset in the software of the LHCb experiment.

Previously, Jean-Marie was the project leader of CRISTAL a description driven software development dedicated to the tracking and assembly of the detector, including the full physics characterization of individual parts with a view to providing the static calibration data to be used for the reconstruction of the events in the MS experiment

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