Lydia Montandon

Invited Talk: Watify: Awareness raising campaign for the modernization of Europe’s industry


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  Atos Research and Innovation, Business Development Director

  Atos Spain


Short Bio

Lydia Montandon is currently working at Atos Spain as business development director for the Atos Research and Innovation (ARI) group. Her role is to look for opportunities to exploit and commercialize R&D projects’ outcomes. She is also in charge of the ARI’s Innovation Management Strategy. She has 18 years of experience in coordinating and participating in more than 40 International R&D projects in the fields of Technology-enhanced Learning, eInclusion, eHealth. She has been working reviewer and evaluator for the EC since 2000. She is currently member of the EIT-Health KIC supervisory board. She holds a MBA in Sustainable Development and Diplomacy from the EUCLID University, and a MSc in Learning and Teaching Technologies from the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

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