Daniel Ortega received his MSc (2003) and PhD (2007) at the University of Cádiz supervised by Manuel Domínguez and Milagrosa Ramírez, undertaking his first postdoctoral position at the University of the Basque Country in 2008 working with José S. Garitaonandia and Fernando Plazaola. Starting in 2009, he joined The Royal Institution of Great Britain and University College London to work with Quentin Pankhurst, first as an Intraeuropean Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow and thereafter as a research associate. During this period he was awarded an honorary research associate position at the London Centre for Nanotech- nology. He was appointed to the Toyohashi University of Technology in 2013 as research associate to Adarsh Sandhu’s lab. Since late 2013 he joined IMDEA Nanoscience through a Marie Curie action, also holding an honorary position at the UCL Institute of Biomedical Engineering. Daniel currently belongs to the CNB-IMDEA Nanoscience Associated Unit.