George Strogylopoulos is a chemical engineer with post-graduate studies in technology and innovation policy at Sussex, UK. In the beginning of his career he has worked in several industrial sectors like renewable energy and defence industry (antiaircraft weapon Artemis).
Then he moved to Luxembourg working as international innovation policy expert for the 'Innovation Programme' of the Enterprise Directorate General of the European Commission, for the period 1994-1999. He was in charge for the European Innovation Policy Network and the Trend Chart on Innovation in Europe. Also, he has participated in the development of the CIS methodology and the revision of the Oslo manual.
He is an advisor to regional authorities and national governments. He has designed public measures for innovation policy in Greece (e.g. innovation poles, innovation zones, science and society, foresight). He has also worked on innovation policy in several Member States or their regions (e.g. Spain, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Russia). During 2009-2011 he was the project director for the Innovation policy reorganisation project in Ukraine. He was the project director of the Europe-Innova Communications project and co-director of the PAXIS European Network Communication & Management during 2000-2011. He was also a Member of the Management Board of the ERAWATCH Network that monitored R&D and Innovation policy in the EU. He has worked as Senior Analyst for the assessment of smart specialisation strategy in Cyprus and Bulgaria and he is a member of the innovation advisory Committee of UNECE (United Nations, Geneva) and participated in the innovation policy assessment of Ukraine and Kazakhstan for UNECE.
He was the Project Manager for the development of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy of Greece (2014-2020) as well as Project Manager for Smart Specialisation Strategies (2014-2020) of the regions of Attica (Athens), Central Greece, Epirus, Ionia Islands and South Aegean. Also he was the Project Manager of the Strategy on Entrepreneurship of the City of Athens (2013).
Today he is located at Lefkippos Technology Park of the National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) Demokritos. He is an advisor to the region of Epirus and South Aegean on Entrepreneurial Discovery.