Professor in Fusion Plasma Physics.Project Leader at Eurofusion: Plasma-Facing Components in JET.Main area of work: Plasma-Wall Interactions, Wall Materials, Erosion-Deposition Diagnostic Tools and Methods, Ion Beam Analysis Techniques. Involvement in the programme at JET, TEXTOR, ASDEX-U, Tore Supra/WEST, linear devices for PWI studies.
Author/co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers in international journals.
Under terrestrial conditions the fusion plasma must be surrounded by wall of a vacuum vessel and confined by strong external forces such as high power beams or magnetic fields. Energy stored in magnetically confined plasmas and the enormous temperature gradients between the plasma and the wall pose very stringent requirements regarding the plasma edge shaping and selection of the most relevant materials for a fusion reactor.
The aim of the lecture is to provide a concise overview on materials applied in fusion technology. The influence of plasma operation on the behaviour of reactor components and diagnostic systems will be discussed with emphasis on effects caused by fast particles reaching the reactor wall. Issues related to primary and induced radioactivity will be briefly reviewed and challenges in the analysis of reactor materials will be presented.